To our valued vendor:
Thank you for creating such great products. We are proud to be one of your retailers.
Part of our plan for promoting and selling your products is to make your products look great for our walk-in customers. Now we also need to make your products look great for our customers who choose to shop online on our website.
This is where we really need your help! We are members of Specialty Toys Network. They specialize in websites for independent toy stores throughout the United States, and have created a custom website for our store. In addition to website design and support, they also provide us with a unique database of 100,000+ toys for our industry.
For those vendors and manufacturers that are already participating in Specialty Toy Network’s database, thank you! I am asking you to please be diligent in providing your new, current, and updated product information, including images and product descriptions, in a timely manner. Without this updated, current information, we cannot post your brand new products to our website, thus decreasing your reach.
For those vendors and manufacturers who are not participating, I am asking you to please consider submitting your product information to Specialty Toys Network’s product database so it may be used on our website. This service is of no charge to you and it helps you sell more product as well as increase your visibility in the market. Please contact and they will assist you with any questions you have about the service.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter. If you are not already showcasing your products on Specialty Toys Network, I hope you get on board so you can expand your market presence. For those who are already members we look forward to continuing to work with you!
Thank you!
Store: ____________________________ Contact:_______________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Email:________________________________