CC Number Scrubber

Scrubbing on timed schedule

As a security feature, your cart can be set to automatic clean-up customer credit card information. In your Cart Config settings, you can set the time period in which the “scrubbing” of credit card information will happen.

Where: Cart > Cart Admin > Configuration > Global > Cart

We recommend scrubbing automatically 7 days or sooner after an order is placed. When set for email alert at “3”, you receive a notification letting you know it will be scrubbed 3 days prior to it happening.

You can change the number of days the card info is saved
0 disables. Tip! To reduce your risk of credit card data breach, keep this setting as low as possible. Scubbing does not remove customer address information.

You can change when you get email notification. Emails are sent to the main contact as listed in your store configuration.

credit card scrubbing

Scrubbing on Order Status Events

Additionally, credit card data can be scrubbed automatically at the time the order status is changed.  For PCI Compliance, you should set your site to scrub credit card data on all order status’s. This means the site will not store any full credit card numbers.
You can adjust each Order Status level to scrub or not scrub

scrub on status change