Product Editor Window

After finding a product you’d like to edit, you can click the thumbnail to start editing that specific product. You can also right-click the product and choose Edit. In the product Editor Window, you can edit various text, lists, images, files, and much more. 

When you’re done making changes to the product you must press Save

Editor Reference

General product attributes – name, numbers, pricing, publication


  1. SKU: Stock Keeping Unit for your store/site. This must be unique to other products you provide. This may be displayed on your site.

  2. Name: Human readable name shown in product listings, cart, and many other places.

  3. Publish: If checked this item will appear in the store for visitors, otherwise it’s “Unpublished”

  4. Price: How much to charge for the product before taxes, discounts, and other price modifiers

  5. Imported SKU: If this product was brought from the product importer this will contain the SKU that STN uses

  6. Quantity in Stock: How many of the product are currently in-stock (only used if stock checking is enabled)

  7. Search Ranking: Move the product up or down in search results (experimental)

  8. On Special: Marked as “On Special” for promotional areas of your site

  9. Discount: A fixed or percentage discount

  10. Manufacturer: Who makes the product or branding you’ll be associating it with

  11. Mfg. SKU: Stock Keeping Unit the manufacturer uses to identify this product

  12. Gift Wrapping: If checked gift wrapping is available for this product

  13. Sale Price: A preview of how much visitors will pay for the product (approximate, does not account for taxes or coupons)

  14. UPC: Universal Product Code, so anyone in the world can find this product quickly

  15. ISBN:

  16. EAN: European Article Number, since apparently Europe wants their own numbers

  17. Do Not Tax: Checked if the product is exempt from taxation (choose wisely)

Product Info

  1. Short Description: A short summary about the product. This gets displayed on product browse pages and in areas where a long description would be inappropriate. This is also used for the <META> description of the product which search engines use to rank the product for searchs.

  2. Product Features: List them out one-per-line

  3. Keywords: Keywords are comma separated

  4. Package Contents: List the package contents, one-per-line


Full Description

Add or edit the description that will appear on the Product Details page. You can style the text and add links or images. Most images, videos or files should be handled with the Media tab.




  1. Attribute List: have your customers choose color, size, style, etc. The format is Dropdown Label (comma) “please choose” (comma) Attribute1 (comma) Attribute2, etc

  2. Custom Attribute List: Allow (or require) your customers to give YOU information. Name, monogram initials, inscription, etc. The format is: Field Label (semicolon if needed) Second Field Label

All the rules and options are given in examples on that tab.
An asterisk means the choice or Custom attribute is required. A shopper cannot add the item to her cart until a choice is made.



  1. Ages: check the applicable age range

  2. Fundamentals: Play value. Shoppers can search by these.

  3. Safety Hazards

  4. Gender: Shoppers can search by these lists of “boy” or “girl” products 

  5. Batteries: List out battery requirements line-by-line

  6. Safety Text: You can add your own safety text to display on a Product Details page

Related Products

 Choose which products are suggested to shoppers when they are viewing this product’s Details page



Choose one or more categories for your products to display in.

Category selector


Set weight and dimensions here, if you’re using a shipping calculator that needs accurate weights. If you are estimating shipping from cart totals, you can leave it blank.

You can also set shipping overrides here for very heavy or very light products (unit block or gift certificates). 

Packaging settings

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