This page shows a list of the Users registered on the web site. Users can be created, edited, blocked, and deleted from the functions of this screen.
Logout: Select the User by checking the check box next to their name, and click the Logout icon. This will forcibly disconnect them from their current session, and return them to a Guest status.
Delete: Select the User, by checking the check box next to their name, and click the Delete icon. This will delete them from the database. A pop up will appear seeking a confirmation as to whether to delete the selected Item (i.e. the User!). Clicking OK will complete the deletion. Clicking Cancel will terminate the process.
Edit: Select the User to Edit either by checking the check box next to their name and clicking the Edit icon, or click the Username. Both of these actions will open the User : Edit screen. Here it is possible to configure all the details, User Group, and Parameters associated with the User.
New: Click the New icon to create a new User. The User : Add screen will be displayed. Here it is possible to configure all the details, User Group, and Parameters associated with the new User. The system will e-mail the User to confirm their registration on the web site.
Help: Click the Help icon at any time to view this Help Screen.
Filters allow the content of a list, such as that displayed in the User Manager, to be refined by certain criteria, making the list easier to manage on a site – in this instance – with a high volume of Users. Any changes to the listing are purely temporary.
Filter: Enter a keyword that the filter should identify within the list in order to reduce the results output within the User Manager screen.
To clear the filter delete the entry field of the filter.
Select Group: Select a named Group of Users from the drop down list of recorded Groups by which the User Manager should filter the total list of Users that are to be displayed in the current view.
Clear the current choice of Group displayed by selecting another Group, or clear the filter by selecting the – Select Group – tag itself from the list.
Select Log Status: Select only those Users that are currently recorded as Logged In to the web site.
To clear the filter select the – Select Log Status – tag from the list.
#: This is simply an indexing number automatically inserted by Joomla! for ease of reference. It has no particular bearing on the functionality of the User Manager.
Check Box: The column of check boxes are the means by which individual Users are selected before clicking on the appropriate Toolbar icon.
Multiple Users can be selected by checking more than one box at a time. This will only work for the Logout and Delete functions.
Name: This is the “real name” of the User as entered at the point of registration, either by the User themselves or by the appropriate level of administrator in the Back-end.
Username: This is the name (nickname) by which the User is identified in the public areas of the web site when they are logged in, and on any Content that they may have created whether it is a Forum post, News Item, or Web Link submission, for example, or just in any display of Logged In Users that the web site uses. An open community internet web site is likely to permit the use of nicknames whereas a controlled, intranet web site, for example, may insist on the Username being the same as the Name of the individual.
Logged In: When a User is Logged In there will be a green tick in this column next to their name. This column can be used within the Filter fields to narrow down a search for a particular User.
Enabled: This column confirms whether a User has permission to log into the site, indicated by a green tick, or whether their Username is currently blocked, indicated by a
red X. Clicking on either mini icon reverses the current permission. This function does not use an IP address to enforce any block so it is not as persistent as some web masters might require.
Group: A standard installation of Joomla! contains seven pre-defined User Groups. These are Registered, Editor, Author, Publisher, Manager, Administrator, and Super Administrator. It is not currently possible to alter or add to these Groups. Every User who has registered with the web site will belong to one of these seven Groups. Registered Users have the least access rights and functionality. Super Administrators have full access rights and complete functionality. Check the Administrator Manual pages for further details on each of these Groups as the detail is outside of the scope of these pages.
E-mail: Every User who registers with the web site must have a valid e-mail address. This does not mean that they cannot change this at a later date, or that it will remain valid, or indeed active. Users should be encouraged to keep this current to assist with password retrieval requests and to receive any e-mails from the web site or other Users – if this facility is activated in their individual profiles.
Last Visit: This column reports upon the date and time that a User last logged into the web site. They may well have visited the web site and viewed Content accessible by Guests but this is not an issue that can be cross-referenced.
ID: This is the unique User Identification Number automatically assigned by Joomla! when the User was first registered with the web site.